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Watch: French Navy helicopter shoots down Houthi drone

The drone was detected flying near commercial vessels in the Red Sea

A French Navy helicopter shot down a Houthi drone in the Red Sea with a machine gun, the EU’s mission in the Red Sea, known as Aspides, said on Wednesday.
A French frigate detected an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) launched by the Iran-aligned group that was flying near commercial vessels, according to a statement from Aspides’ headquarters in the Greek town of Larisa.
The French warship’s helicopter, “patrolling in the area, was guided by the frigate to engage and destroy the drone with its machine gun,” it said.
The French Navy released video showing the drone flying low over the Red Sea, with machine gun fire audible at the end of the clip.
Aspides was launched in February to help protect the key maritime trade route from drone and missile attacks by Yemen’s Houthi militia, who say they are retaliating against Israel’s war on Gaza.
